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震惊-Kate Winslet离婚

Breaking News: Kate Winslet Splits From Director Sam Mendes

Monday – March 15, 2010 – 1:47pm

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ShareThis Kate Winslet has split from her husband, film director Sam Mendes.

In a statement, London-based Schillings law firm tells UsMagazine.com: "Kate and Sam are saddened to announce that they separated earlier this year. The split is entirely amicable and is by mutual agreement. Both parties are fully committed to the future joint parenting of their children. They ask that the media respect the privacy of the family."

See 2009's most shocking splits

Winslet wed Mendes in 2003. They have a son Joe, 6.

See what Kate Winslet and all the stars wore to the Oscars!

Last year, in the June U.K. edition of Marie Claire, Winslet praised Mendes, her Revolutionary Road director.

"We're just there for each other," she said.

See Kate Winslet's hottest red carpet looks

When it comes to running the household, she added: "I really rule the roost, I absolutely steer the ship. Constantly making checklists; you know, library books have to go in on Friday, make sure that one day a week they're [the children] not having bread for lunch."

Winslet was previously wed to Jim Threapleton, with whom she has a daughter, Mia, 9.

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报道说是今年早些时候就分开了,并且“双方协议下友好分手。。。”  呼唤老大~~~

说实话   昨晚看到消息时   觉得遗憾但是可以理解


的确比较惊讶。。不过相信两人都有充分理由分开的 相信kate的决定










桑德拉老公与纹身女偷情 奥斯卡魔咒再次显灵

时光网讯  这几天,就当大家在为去年的奥斯卡影后凯特·温斯莱特与其导演老公萨姆·门德斯劳燕分飞扼腕叹息之时,新科影后桑德拉·布洛克的家庭内部矛盾也愈演愈烈,不但取消了由其主演新片《弱点》在英国的首映典礼,还公开丈夫Jesse James 越轨行为,与一位纹身女模特“有一腿”的婚外情。

根据美国媒体爆料,Jesse James在外偷腥的是一位名叫Michelle 'Bombshell' McGee的女模,两人在一起已经有11个月的时间,而这名纹身女模也亲口向《Touch》杂志承认了她与桑德拉老公有染,并披露了两人之间交往的一些细节。

现年45岁的桑德拉·布洛克与40岁的Jesse James结婚不到五年的时间,是他的第三任妻子,而此前桑德拉的感情道路也一直走得不太顺利,可谓是屡败屡战,屡战屡败。

桑德拉因personal reason缺席英国《弱点》首映式。。。

Code Bullock! Sandra Backs Out of London Premiere; Tabloid Hysteria Ensues

Today 11:44 AM PDT by Gina Serpe

Let the speculation begin. Oh, wait. Seems like the ever-reliable tabloids already have that one covered.

While everyone seems to have their opinions as to why, all we know for sure is that Sandra Bullock has unexpectedly pulled out of appearing at the London premiere of her Oscar-crowning film, The Blind Side.

"Due to unforeseen personal reasons a trip abroad to support The Blind Side has been deemed impossible at this time," the 45-year-old said in a statement. "I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your continued support of the film."

Unfortunately, as goes the star, so goes the premiere...and begins the unfounded rumors.

In the wake of Bullock's backing out and the loss of the sole marquee name attached to the flick, Warner Bros. has decided to scrap altogether the red carpet event, which was originally scheduled to take place next Tuesday.

And as for those "personal reasons," well, your guess is as good as ours—and probably better than theirs.

The announcement comes in the wake of In Touch's crusade to write off another marriage to the Best Actress Curse, as the tabloid this week alleged that Bullock's doting hubby, Jesse James, was embroiled in some Tiger Woods-type extracurricular activities.

As he was rarely off the actress' arm for the duration of awards season—except when his arms were around those other loves of his life, his newly reunited dogs—this is one rumor (and tabloid) we're not buying.




温丝莱特婚变 莱昂纳多第一时间安慰“妹妹”

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年03月18日11:43  新浪娱乐


  新浪娱乐讯 北京时间3月18日消息,据香港媒体报道,凯特-温丝莱特曾与莱昂纳多-迪卡普里奥合作经典电影《泰坦尼克号》及去年的《革命之路》,因二人同期出道并拍《泰》片后一起出名,感觉犹如一同在影圈中成长,关系媲美两兄妹。因此最近温丝莱特婚变,莱昂纳多已第一时间安慰她,而温丝莱特也曾私下说对方是无所不谈的对象。(鱼鱼)


http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年03月18日14:14  新浪娱乐


  新浪娱乐讯 北京时间3月18日消息,据国外媒体报道,虽然奥斯卡影后凯特-温丝莱特(Kate Winslet)婚变传闻已闹得满城风雨,但到目前为止,并没有两人的相互指责标志着这段长达7年婚姻的结束。事实上,一位两人的友人向《人物》杂志透露,两人关系“只是有些疏远”,并未反目。

  温丝莱特坚持花更多的时间与孩子相处,而丈夫萨姆-门德斯(Sam Mendes)则把精力都放在了工作上,这是两人分开的原因之一。他们在今年一月分居,并决定在将这种关系维持到奥斯卡之后,再做下一步的决定。

  现年34岁的温丝莱特和44岁的门德斯目前已经不住在一起了。但消息人士指出,门德斯仍居住在位于曼哈顿的同一幢建筑中。门德斯有一个6岁大的儿子乔伊(Joe),而温丝莱特也与第一任丈夫、英国导演詹姆斯-塞普雷顿(James Threapleton)生有一个女儿。

  该来源还透露,目前温丝莱特正和她的兄弟在墨西哥享受一个“早已计划好了的假期”,并表示她与莱昂纳多-迪卡普里奥(Leonardo DiCaprio)的绯闻纯属子虚乌有。


  在今天4月份的时候,温丝莱特将在纽约拍摄一部HBO的剧集。这部迷你剧重拍自小说《欲海情魔》(Mildred Pierce)。温丝莱特在片中饰演一名与丈夫分手并得到了一份服务员工作的女人。(LEI)



温丝莱特离婚有内幕 疑有第三者插足
http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年03月18日14:28  深圳晚报

  本报讯 据国外媒体报道,近日有朋友透露,凯特-温丝莱特之所以和丈夫萨姆-门德斯离婚,是因为她无法忍受丈夫和瑞贝卡-豪尔的“朋友”关系。




