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来源地址 magasa豆瓣日记 http://www.douban.com/note/175176234/

2011-09-28 22:34:07

1997年戛纳电影节评出了两部并列的金棕榈:阿巴斯《樱桃的滋味》和今村昌平《鳗鱼》。阿巴斯的爆冷与评委会主席阿佳妮被Nanni Moretti架空不无关系。


这届评委会的主席是法国女星阿佳妮,其他成员包括Moretti、巩俐、Paul Auster、Mike Leigh、Tim Burton等。按照戛纳以往的惯例,产生最后结果的程序有两种。一种是从金棕榈开始,一个奖一个奖地投(1994年便是如此);一种是从20多部入围影片中先选出有机会赢得五项主要奖项(金棕榈、评审团大奖、导演、男女演员)中某一项的影片名列表,不去管归属顺序。如果按第二种方式,那么重要影片不会被遗漏。阿佳妮两种方式都没用,她采用了走一步看一步的模糊处理办法。

阿佳妮犯了一个大错,这种方式使得评审团脱离了她的掌控,最终导致她心仪的Atom Egoyan的作品The Sweet Hereafter没有得到金棕榈。而且所有人都没有料到Nanni Moretti的手腕竟然那么厉害(想想他是多么熟谙左派政治活动),竟然一步步地让局势向着他希望的方向发展。Moretti先是竭尽全力鼓吹人人平等,意在削弱主席的特权,然后再劝说大家接受阿巴斯的《樱桃的滋味》,使影片的票数从一开始的1票激增到5票。



阿佳妮的失策之处在于同意了“双黄蛋”,又没能帮The Sweet Hereafter保住其中一个位置。在并列的决定作出后,Moretti立刻表明他还支持今村昌平,而不是Atom Egoyan。所以金棕榈由阿巴斯和今村昌平分享,Atom Egoyan得到评审团大奖。对阿佳妮来说,这是惨重的失败,她都气哭了。她发觉Moretti只是在利用她,开始恨他,颁奖结束后的访谈里把他比作马基雅弗利。

后来选最佳女演员奖的时候,阿佳妮再遭打击,这个奖的选择对她有重要意义,但结果却给了一个配角Nil by Mouth中的Kathy Burke。前一年刚得大奖的Mike Leigh对这个结果很高兴,因为Burke不仅是他的英国同胞,而且是从他的某部作品中出来的。雅各布觉得,Leigh被Secrets & Lies带来的那尊金棕榈宠坏了,像自己的胡子一样越来越膨胀,过于高估自己。结果在评奖的那些天里,他对阿佳妮很不客气,经常逼她只给一个yes或no的答复就好了,搞得好像自己才是主席。阿佳妮当然不快,后来称他为“garden gnome”,算是报了一箭之仇。

阿佳妮非常聪明,她本可以成为主宰一切的女王,不过她迷失了方向,和其他评审团成员背道而驰,导致了自己的失败。她想让每个成员讨论的时候都能说英语,结果被Mike Leigh和Nanni Moretti吃得死死的。开会的时候雅各布就坐在阿佳妮的旁边,他很想提醒她,让她重新获得自信,但又不太方便,只能在她太被动或犯错误的时候假装不经意地碰一下她的手,终归无济于事。


★★★★ Excellent    ★★★ Good     ★★ Average     ★ Poor    X Bad

其实图片右上角有写出来了  x就是bad 零分


本帖最后由 federer 于 2012-5-28 00:26 编辑

网页pdf版地址 Cannes-jury-grid_Day-12.pdf
图片版 平均分2.36

网页图片版地址 lefilmfrancais
爱 Amour 3.2  |  锈与骨 De rouille et d'os 3.07  |  你们还什么都没看见 Vous n'avez encore rien vu 2.6  |  天使的一份 The Angel's Share 2.57  |  神圣车行 Holy Motors 2.47  |  污泥 Mud 2.46  |  山之外 După dealuri 2.13  |  月升王国 Moonrise Kingdom 2.0  |  真人秀 Reality 1.93  |  雾林寒战 V tumane 1.91  |  温柔地杀戮 Killing Them Softly 1.85  |  狩猎 Jagten 1.73  |  无法无天 Lawless 1.73  |  在路上 On the Road 1.67  |  大都会 Cosmopolis 1.64  |  钱之味 돈의 맛 1.54  |  天堂:爱 Paradies: Liebe 1.53   |  报童 The Paperboy 1.43  |  在外国 다른나라에서 1.43  |  战役之后 Baad el Mawkeaa 1.29  |  如沐爱河 Like Someone in Love 1.27  |  光之后 Post Tenebras Lux 0.57

图片版 平均分 1.89


网页图片版地址 ioncinema

图片版 平均分 2.69/5 (打8折换成4分制为 2.15/4 )

迷影网打分 请看




本帖最后由 federer 于 2012-5-28 02:33 编辑




The official Jury of this 65th Festival de Cannes, presided over by Nanni Moretti, revealed this evening the prizes winners during the Closing Ceremony.

Bérénice Bejo hosted Audrey Tautou and Adrien Brody on the stage of the Grand Théâtre Lumière to award the Palme d’or to the best film among the 22 in Competition.

Claude Miller’s Thérèse Desqueyroux starring Audrey Tautou, Gilles Lellouche and Anaïs Demoustier, was screened at the end of the ceremony.

金棕榈 Palme d'Or
爱 AMOUR (Love) by Michael HANEKE

评审团大奖 Grand Prix

导演奖 Award for Best Director

评审团奖 Jury Prize

男演员奖 Award for Best Actor

女演员奖 Award for Best Actress
Cristina FLUTUR & Cosmina STRATAN in 山之外 DUPÃ DEALURI (Beyond The Hills) by Cristian MUNGIU

剧本奖 Award for Best Screenplay
Cristian MUNGIU for pour 山之外 DUPÃ DEALURI (Beyond The Hills)

2012 jury
Nanni Moretti, Italian filmmaker (President)
Hiam Abbass, Palestinian actress and director
Andrea Arnold, English filmmaker
Emmanuelle Devos, French actress
Jean Paul Gaultier, French fashion designer
Diane Kruger, German actress
Ewan McGregor, Scottish actor
Alexander Payne, American filmmaker
Raoul Peck, Haitian filmmaker


一种关注单元 Un Certain Regard



Un Certain Regard 2012 presented 20 films directed by 26 directors hailing from 17 different countries.
Four of the works were first films.

Presided over by Tim ROTH (actor, director), the Jury was comprised of Leïla BEKHTI (actress), Sylvie PRAS (head of cinema - Centre Pompidou Paris, artistic director - La Rochelle Festival), Tonie MARSHALL (director, producer) and Luciano MONTEAGUDO (critic - Pagina/12 - Buenos Aires).

“This was an extraordinarily strong group of films and our deliberations were passionate. The film makers never once failed us! Incredible!” Tim ROTH


难忘之夜 LE GRAND SOIR by Benoît DELÉPINE and Gustave KERVERN

Suzanne CLÉMENT for her performance in 双面劳伦斯 LAURENCE ANYWAYS  by Xavier DOLAN
Emilie DEQUENNE for her performance in 失去理智 À PERDRE LA RAISON  by Joachim LAFOSSE

萨拉热窝的孩子 DJECA(Children of Sarajevo) by Aida BEGIC



金棕榈 Palme d'Or - Best Short Film
沉默 SESSIZ-BE DENG (Silent)  by L. Rezan YESILBAS

2012 jury
Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Belgian filmmaker (President)
Arsinée Khanjian, Canadian actress
Karim Aïnouz, Brazilian filmmaker
Emmanuel Carrère, French novelist and filmmaker
余力为 Yu Lik-wai, Chinese cinematographer and director


电影基石单元 Cinéfoundation


The Cinéfondation and Short Film Jury headed by Jean-Pierre Dardenne and including Arsinée Khanjian, Karim Aïnouz, Emmanuel Carrère and 余力为 Yu Lik-Wai, has awarded the 2012 Cinéfondation Prizes during a ceremony held in the Buñuel Theatre, followed by the screening of the winning films.
The Cinéfondation Selection consisted of 15 student films, chosen out of nearly 1 700 entries coming from 320 film schools around the world.

First Prize:
DOROGA NA (The Road to) directed by Taisia Igumentseva, VGIK, Russia

Second Prize:
ABIGAIL, directed by Matthew James Reilly, NYU, USA

Third Prize:
LOS ANFITRIONES (The Hosts), directed by Miguel Angel Moulet, EICTV, Cuba

The awarded films will receive ?15,000 for the First Prize, ?11,250 for the Second and ?7,500 for the Third.
The First Prize winner is also guaranteed that her first feature film will be presented at the Festival de Cannes.


金摄影机奖 Caméra d'Or


金摄影机奖 Caméra d'Or
南蛮之地的野兽 Beasts of the Southern Wild by Benh Zeitlin

2012 jury
Carlos DIEGUES (President)
Michel ANDRIEU, Director
Remy CHEVRIN, Cinematographer
Francis GAVELLE, Critic
Hervé ICOVIC, Artistic director
Gloria SATTA, Journalist



导演双周单元 Quinzaine des Realisateurs (Directors' Fortnight)


Art Cinema Award - 否 No by Pablo Larraín
The CICAE is the International Confederation of Art Cinemas has been linked to the Directors’ Fortnight since it was created in 1969.
The CICAE is the first international association of its kind: founded in 1955, it today represents 3,000 screens in 32 countries in Europe, Latin America and Africa.
Its mission is to promote quality motion pictures on wide screens, to defend the ‘’right for cultural diversity’’.
The ART CINEMA AWARDS are given in the major European festivals by an international jury of independent cinema programmers.
These awards help to bring to the international Arthouse network films of high quality, for it to find its audience. Juries are also seeking to encourage young directors, as well as productions coming out of less-recognized countries.
The Prize helps towards distribution systematically informing the 2,000 CICAE member cinemas, as an incentive for distribution companies to market the films discovered and in order to promote their circulation. Working on a country-by-country basis, local CICAE networks help distributors successfully market award-winning films, through recommendations for all cinemas, trade-only screenings to the members, networking of film copies, and the delivery of information to audiences.
The CICAE is recognized by the Council of Europe, the UNESCO, the European Community's MEDIA Programme, the CNC (FR), the FFA (DE) and the DGC (IT)

SACD PRIZE - 回转茶花女 Camille redouble (Camille Rewinds) by Noémie Lvovsky
SACD's membership includes 51,000 authors of audiovisual works for exhibition (film, television, animation, radio, interactive creation…) and live performance. SACD acts as a collective management society of authors' rights, and supports and advises its members in professional and legal matters.
Through its cultural activities in favour of cinema, it supports creation, promotion of works and artists' training projects.
La SACD (Société des auteurs et compositeurs dramatiques) honors a French-language feature film in the Directors Fortnight selection. This film is chosen by a film commission chaired by Bertrand Tavernier.
SACD cinema commission: Bertrand Tavernier (président de la Commission Cinéma) Gérard Krawczyk, Arthur Joffé, Christine Laurent and Luc Jabon (Scénariste et président de la SACD Belgium).

The Europa Cinemas Label - 悔改 The Repentant (El taaib) by Merzak Allouache
Created in 2003, the Europa Cinemas Label aims to enhance the promotion, circulation and box-office runs of European award-winning films on the screens of a cinema network stretching across Europe.
Awarded by a jury comprised of Europa Cinemas member exhibitors to one of the European films selected in the Directors’ Fortnight, the film is given the conditions of reaching a large audience.
Needless to say, that means the Label is awarded at a crucial moment in a film's career: its presentation at a major festival, a strategic stage in its release on the international market. The Label mobilises the media, the sales agents, the distributors and the exhibitors by providing them a financial incentive for programming the film on its release date and screening it for an extended period.
In this way Europa Cinemas encourages exhibitors to programme the film in all corners of its network, which comprises 2891 screens in 1 057 cinemas established in 599 cities in 64 countries.
JURY 2012:
Paula Astorga - Cineteca Nacional (Mexique)
Francesc Vilallonga - Cinéma Truffaut (Espagne)
Erik Hamre - Gentofte Kino (Danemark)
Sarah Beaufol - Le Méliès (France)

illy Prize - 诅咒 The Curse by Fyzal Boulifa
Special mention - Os Vivos Tambem Choram (The Living Also Cry) by Basil da Cunha

For years now, illy has been encouraging and sponsoring young artists, notably contributing to the circulation of contemporary art through the support of artists, institutions and international exhibitions. In this same dynamic, illy is developing its partnership with the Directors’ Fortnight and has chosen this year to honor one of the shorts in the selection. The spirit of this initiative is part of  illy's : seek out the beautiful and the new, bring it out and promote it. This prize, attributed by a jury of professionals, comes with a  2 500 euros cash prize designed to encourage the winning director and will be presented during the Fortnight’s closing ceremony.
JURY 2012
Julie Bertuccelli (Réalisatrice) - présidente du jury
Carlo Bach (directeur artistique d'illycafé)
Maureen Loiret (critique cinéma)
Patrick Villacampa (président de l'association Henri Langlois)

Carosse d'Or(Golden Coach Award) - Nuri Bilge Ceylan
Carosse d'Or(Golden Coach Award) "pays tribute to filmmakers around the world who stand apart due to the innovative qualities of their films as well as their audacity and independence," stated the Director's Fortnight.


国际影评人周单元 La Semaine Internationale de la Critique (The International Critics' Week)
The Critics’ Week Grand Prix is awarded by the press (journalists and films critics are invited to vote after each screening of the Selection).



国际影评人周单元大奖 Nespresso Grand Prize for La Semaine de la Critique - 这里和那里 Aquí y Allá by Antonio Mendez Esparza
Jury : Bertrand Bonello (President) and film critics Francisco Ferreira (Expresso, Portugal), Akiko Kobari (Yukan Fuji, Japan), Robert Koehler (Variety, USA) and Hanns-Georg Rodek (Die Welt, Germany).

视野奖 France 4 Visionary Award - POSLEDNATA LINEIKA NA SOFIA (Sofia’s Last Ambulance) by Ilian Metev
Jury : Céline Sciamma (President) and bloggers Victor-Emmanuel Boinem (Belgium), Ryan Lattanzio (USA), Bikas Mishra (India) et Kim Sehee (South Korea).

SACD剧本奖 SACD Prize for best screenplay - LES VOISINS DE DIEU (God’s Neighbours) by Meni Yaesh
Jury : Gérard Krawczyk, Bertrand Tavernier, Christine Laurent, Yves Nilly et Benjamin Legrand (SACD).

发行资助奖 ACID/CCAS Distribution Support - Los Salvajes by Alejandro Fadel
Jury : Chiara Malta, Aurélia Georges, Stefano Savona and Kathy Sebbah (filmmakers and members of the ACID (Association of Independent Cinema for its Distribution)) and Anna Defendini (representative of the CCAS).


The Canal+ Award - Circle Line by Shin Suwon
Jury : João Pedro Rodrigues (President), Danny Lennon (programmer, Canada), Marianne Coury (filmmaker, Egypt), Kleber Mendonça Filho (director, film critic and programmer from Brazil) and Jakub Felcman (programmer, Czech Republic).

Nikon Discovery Prize - Un Dimanche Matin(A SUNDAY MORNING) by Damien Manivel
special mention - O Duplo (DOPPELGÄNGER) by Juliana Rojas

Jury : João Pedro Rodrigues (President), Danny Lennon (programmer, Canada), Marianne Coury (filmmaker, Egypt), Kleber Mendonça Filho (director, film critic and programmer from Brazil) and Jakub Felcman (programmer, Czech Republic).


本帖最后由 federer 于 2012-5-28 02:52 编辑



FIPRESCI Prize. The jury will present three prizes: to a film in competition; in the "Certain Regard" section; and in the parallel sections "Directors' Fortnight" and "Critics' Week". Jury members are Borislav Andjelic, Isabelle Danel, Rita di Santo, Paola Casella, Ronald Rovers, Laura Laufer, Pamela Bienzóbas, Beatrice Behn, and Rui Tendinha.


主竞赛单元:雾林寒战 В тумане(In the Fog) by Sergei Loznitsa
主竞赛单元特别提及:狩猎 Jagten (The Hunt) by Thomas Vinterberg
一种关注单元:南蛮之地的野兽 Beasts of the Southern Wild by Benh Zeitlin
导演双周&影评人周单元:  Rengaine (Hold back) by Rachid Djaïdani

2. 天主教人道精神奖 Prize of the Ecumenical Jury

The objective of the award is to "honour works of artistic quality which witnesses to the power of film to reveal the mysterious depths of human beings through what concerns them, their hurts and failings as well as their hopes."


天主教人道精神奖 Prize of the Ecumenical Jury
狩猎 Jagten (The Hunt) by Thomas Vinterberg

天主教人道精神奖-特别提及 Prize of the Ecumenical Jury - special mention
南蛮之地的野兽 Beasts of the Southern Wild by Benh Zeitlin

法文 http://cannes.juryoecumenique.org/spip.php?article2496&lang=fr
英文 http://cannes.juryoecumenique.org/IMG/pdf/2012/cp_prix_oecumenique_2012_en.pdf

The 2012 Ecumenical Jury awards its Prize to

Jagten (The Hunt) by Thomas Vinterberg Danemark
In "The Hunt", Lucas, an inherently good man becomes the target of a community torn apart by lies, manipulation and betrayal; where he continually fights for his lost friendship's, forgiveness and reputation. Thomas Vinterberg's direction gives us a strong statement : showing us a new way of looking at modern society where men and children are concerned; things are not always what they seem !

And a Commendation to
Beasts of the Southern Wild by Benh Zeitlin United States
Beasts of the Southern Wild, a brilliant film debut from Benh Zeitlin illustrates the fundamental issues of freedom, human life and parental love with boundless emotion and true originality.
The authenticity of the acting and cinematography are present from beginning to end. A true ode to the meaning of life, love and hope !

The 2012 Jury:
Charles Martig, Président, Switzerland
Magali Van Reeth, France
Jean-Luc Gadreau, France
Kodjo Ayetan, Togo
Marianne Smiley, Canada
Bojidar Manov, Bulgaria

3 CST的技术奖 (半官方的奖项)
The Jury of the CST has awarded the "PRIX VULCAIN DE L’ARTISTE-TECHNICIEN" to:
Charlotte Bruss CHRISTENSEN, for the outstanding cinematographyof the film 狩猎 JAGTEN byThomas VINTERBERG

4.Prix François Chalais 记者奖
The Francois Chalais Prize (French: Prix François Chalais) is given at the Cannes Film Festival, beginning in 1997. It was created to pay tribute to French journalist and film historian François Chalais. It rewards a film dedicated to the values of life affirmation and of journalism, and indeed this award also highlights the presence of journalists at Cannes itself.
Prix François Chalais - 上帝之马 LES CHEVAUX DE DIEU(God's Horses) de Nabil Ayouch

5 青年选择奖 Prix de la jeunesse

青年选择奖 Prix de la jeunesse
主竞赛单元:神圣车行 Holy Motors by Leos Carax
一种关注单元:南蛮之地的野兽 Beasts of the Southern Wild by Benh Zeitlin

6 酷儿棕榈奖 Queer Palm
酷儿棕榈奖 Queer Palm - 双面劳伦斯 LAURENCE ANYWAYS directed by Xavier DOLAN
短片酷儿棕榈奖 Queer Palm Short Film - 并非一部牛仔电影 Ce n'est pas un film de cow-boys directed by Benjamin Parent

Jury 2012:
Julie Gayet, Président, Actress and producer (France)
Sam Ashby, Little Joe, United Kingdom
Jim Dobson, Indie PR, USA
Sarah Neal, Brisbane Queer Film Festival, Australia
Frédéric Niolle, Le Cercle, Canal + Cinéma, France
Moira Sullivan, FilmFestivals.com, Movie Magazine International – San Francisco, USA and Sweden

7. 金棕榈狗奖 Palm Dog
Palm Dog Award Banjo and Poppy in Sightseers
A special Jury Prize was given to Billy Bob in 难忘之夜 Le Grand Soir

